The advantages of flexo plates for printing adhesive coating
In recent years, the use of flexo plates for adhesive printing has been increasing.
Flexo plates are compatible with a variety of adhesive agents.
In particular, we have a wide assortment of plate materials, so even a completely untested adhesive can be trialed with a variety of plate types.
Even with identical plate designs, there can be differences in print durability and quality depending on the plate material and its compatibility with the adhesive.
If you work with us, you’ll be sure to find a resin plate material suited to your adhesive of choice.
Additionally, flexo plates give you complete control of the surface formation, high precision of the application surfaces, and the ability the adjust the amount of adhesive applied by changing the cell shape and size.
Many of our company’s achievements are centered around industrial applications.
Leveraging our depth of experience, we believe that through our consultation we can guide you towards the appropriate material and plate design to suit your needs.
Flexo plates are truly the optimal material for printing adhesive coatings.
Please feel free to contact us if you are considering adhesive printing with resin plates.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your adhesive printing inquiries.
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